Training Program For Doctors

Babies And Us has the distinction of training over 400 doctors in the areas of Infertility Management. It has conducted numerous workshops, conferences and training programs over the years. it has helped established more than 14 ART units all over the country. there are various training programs which are available:

1. Basic Infertility Training - duration 1 week.
Hands-on training in trans-vaginal sonography, ovulation stimulation protocols, semen washing and semen freezing.

2.Advanced Infertility Training - duration 1 week.
This includes basic infertility training plus additional training in ovum pickup, egg identification, invitro-fertilization and embryo transfer.

3. Hands-on Infertility Training - duration 2 weeks.
This includes all the above training plus actual hands training in oocyte retrieval and embryology.
Normally all these training programs are held in the middle 2 weeks of each month.

For further information, contact BAUFII centre.